This was a Quora question I answered. As a gun owning Americans, if giving up all your firearms except one handgun and one hunting rifle meant all the bad guys lost all their guns as well, would you do it? Why or why not? First tell me how you are going to keep the guns… Continue reading About Gun Control…
Category: Uncategorized
One of Putin’s stated reasons for the invasion of Ukraine is to stop the expansion of NATO into Russia’s borders. But Ukraine is not the only nation in the Russian border to seek NATO membership. The Democratic Republic of Georgia, or Georgia for short is too. Georgia declared independence in 1991, just prior to the… Continue reading RUSSIA’S INVASION OF UKRAINE, IS THIS THE BEGINNING OF WORLD WAR III? Part II.
NOTE: This became a much longer blog than I intended so I will break it in 3 parts: Part 1 and Part II will deal with a conventional military conflict and ramifications for Mr. Putin and the world due to the invasion of Ukraine. Part III will visit non-conventional conflict; economic, political, cyber warfare. Part… Continue reading RUSSIA’S INVASION OF UKRAINE, IS THIS THE BEGINNING OF WORLD WAR III? Part I.
China and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
A good chess player will tell you that you will get checkmated not by the move you see next, but by the one you have not seen later. Almost every top foreign policy expert is warning about the link between Russian invasion of Ukraine and China’s designs in Taiwan. The Chinese are too smart to… Continue reading China and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Well, so Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has kind of interrupted my big lecture on the American Constitution. Don’t worry, I’ll get back to it. So, why did Russia invade Ukraine. If you want a really good but brief historical account, please see from GRAVITAS PLUS. Never seen them before but this was pretty good. … Continue reading Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Democracy vs. Republic The key difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has implications for minority rights. Both forms of government tend to use a representational system — i.e., citizens vote to elect politicians to represent their interests and form the government. In a republic, a… Continue reading Democracy vs. Republic
Who has the power in United States; Who rules America? Part 1: What is power?
The Constitution affirms that the government exist to serve its citizens, but does it? Before we can explore this question, we need to research a few definitions and concepts? What is power? I found a really nice article in the internet created by Kent University titled “What Is Power in Politics? 6 Different Definitions… Continue reading Who has the power in United States; Who rules America? Part 1: What is power?
Some things you need to know about the game… Any game
I am going to make a quick aside to tell you about one of those lessons that stick with you for a very long time. One of my favorite bosses when I was a new Army Captain was then Colonel Joseph R. Inge, Commander of the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. I was a newly… Continue reading Some things you need to know about the game… Any game
What is the genius of the Constitution?
In the movie “With Honors” Simon Wilder, played by actor Joe Peshi, is called upon by the Harvard Professor to answer the question “What is the particular genius of the constitution?” His answer: “The genius of the constitution is that it can always be changed, the genius of the constitution is that makes no permanent… Continue reading What is the genius of the Constitution?
Why start this blog
In the past, I used Facebook to comment on different things. However, it was the wrong format. I eventually dropped Facebook, with over 2000 friends, because it became unmanageable. And now that Facebook, along with other social network platforms are exercising the systematical suppression of conservative views or anything else it does not like; a… Continue reading Why start this blog